Get The Monkey Off My Back
Dear Windy, I don't know where to start…all my life I have dressed in women’s panties and felt like a women. I would like to do it as recreation or go to parties dressed like a women, it’s a hidden secret that I'd like to keep but I feel like telling people and getting that monkey off my back. Can you help me understand why I feel this way? I love it, please help me, Art
P.S. You look wonderful by the way
Dear Art, First, thanks for the complement, you made my day! As for why you feel the way you do, I’m not into psychoanalysis but take it from me, you have plenty of company. I can help you fulfill your wish to come out to friends while keeping your secret: take a look at the calendar, Halloween is right around the corner! If you’re not already invited to a costume party, why don’t you host one, and make sure the invitations encourage everyone to wear a far-out costume. You have plenty of time to put together a complete women’s wardrobe, and Halloween is the perfect excuse for shopping for a wig, makeup, etc, so go for it! Windy