Ask Windy Cissy

If you're a guy who has always wondered what it would have been like if you'd been born female, this advice column is for you. From shopping to shaving, makeup to mannerisms, I'll share with you techniques that have enabled me to pass convincingly as a woman, time and again. You'll learn what to do, and what not to do, as you explore your feminine side. So go ahead, let your inner woman out! All reasonable questions will be answered. Ask Windy Cissy at

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Getting a Girlish Figure

Dear Windy, I have been crossdressing since I was 10 years old. I've always been big in stature: I am 5ā€™11ā€ tall and I currently weigh 235 lbs. I have decided that this year Iā€™m going to be going out en femme. The very first time will be to a party in December. I've been working out but I've stayed away from weights as much as I can. My wife is very supportive. We go jogging and biking together, and I have started going en femme. I was wondering if there are any exercise routines or videos that I can use to get my weight down to a feminine size? Are there any diets you can recommend? Jessica

Dear Jessica, Well, you've got your work cut out for you, girlfriend, but you are so lucky to have such a supportive wife! Your ideal weight as a man is 166 lbs, and your ideal weight as a woman is 156 lbs, either way you've got to start eating less and exercising more...sounds simple, doesn't it? You will want to start an aggressive cardio program: jogging, walking and especially swimming is a great way to burn calories and lean out your body. Of course you will steer clear of lifting weights for your upper body, although I recommend lots of crunches to trim your abs. Get one of the old Jane Fonda workouts if you want a good burn! As for diets, doctors cringe but I always kick off a diet with a 24 hour fast which shrinks my stomach so I don't need to eat as much to feel full. Although it is much maligned by health professionals, I swear by the old Beverly Hills Diet as an initial kickstart: after your 24 hour fast, eat nothing but a pineapple the next day, sounds crazy and I don't recommend it as a continuing diet! Just make sure you eat three meals a day only watch your portions, and one other thing: I have had great success eating only dairy products for lunch, check out the Dairy Diet. There is no magic to this, I've done it and so can you! Windy


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